Feb 22, 2019
First broadcast on February 22 2019
"I wanted to inhabit that fictional library...
Feb 15, 2019
Guest: Alison Reynolds of the Georgia Tech Archives
First broadcast FEB 15, 2019.
Playlist at
"If it's described by an archivist, if it's online, and if there's
a finding aid, then definitely...
Feb 8, 2019
First broadcast on February 8 2019.
"Trying to guide people through an unknown...
Feb 1, 2019
Guest: Melissa Adler of the University of Western Ontario.
First broadcast February 1 2019.
Playlist at https://www.wrek.org/2019/02/playlist-for-lost-in-the-stacks-from-friday-february-1st-cruising-the-library-episode-411/
"Systems are always limited. They always involve choices...