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Lost in the Stacks: the Research Library Rock'n'Roll Radio Show

Nov 30, 2018

Guest: Chaitra Powell of UNC Chapel Hill.

First broadcast November 30 2018.

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"We hear there may be backpacks...

Nov 23, 2018

Guest: Ryan Speer, previously of Georgia Tech.

First broadcast December 23 2011.

Playlist at

"I wouldn't wash my hands...

Nov 16, 2018

Guest: Dr. Brad Rittenhouse of Georgia Tech.

First broadcast November 16 2018.

Playlist at

"I'm interested in material information, which computational I define as...

Nov 9, 2018

Guest: Stephanie Noell of the Savannah College of Art and Design.

First broadcast November 9 2018.

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"This is the first comic I ever...

Nov 2, 2018

Guests: Emy Decker (Georgia Tech) and Seth Porter (Princeton University).

First broadcast November 2 2018.

Playlist at

"The world is...