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Lost in the Stacks: the Research Library Rock'n'Roll Radio Show

Jul 26, 2019


Guest: Brennan Collins, Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Georgia State University.

Playlist at

"I think giving people access to information, and not just access to finding...

Jul 19, 2019

Guest: Robin Fay aka georgiawebgurl

First broadcast July 19 2019.

Playlist at

"I think it might be turtles all the way down."

Jul 12, 2019

Guest: Yanni Loukissas of Georgia Tech.

First broadcast July 12 2019.

Playlist at

"The public, more generally, has been alerted to the dark side of data."

Jul 5, 2019

Guest: Alison Macrina of The Library Freedom Project

First broadcast October 30 2015.

Playlist at

"You know, this is how presidential candidates are usually interviewed."