Jul 26, 2019
Guest: Brennan Collins, Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Georgia State University.
Playlist at https://www.wrek.org/2019/07/playlist-for-lost-in-the-stacks-from-friday-july-26th-flaneur-episode-431/
"I think giving people access to information, and not just access to finding...
Jul 19, 2019
Guest: Robin Fay aka georgiawebgurl
First broadcast July 19 2019.
"I think it might be turtles all the way down."
Jul 12, 2019
Guest: Yanni Loukissas of Georgia Tech.
First broadcast July 12 2019.
"The public, more generally, has been alerted to the dark side of data."
Jul 5, 2019
Guest: Alison Macrina of The Library Freedom Project
First broadcast October 30 2015.
Playlist at http://www.wrek.org/?p=13045
"You know, this is how presidential candidates are usually interviewed."